Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I LOVE spaghetti!



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So serious!


Sterling was oh so serious this morning while we were playing so I decided to play amature photographer. Look at all that blonde hair!
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My New Ride....BEEP, BEEP!


My Aunt Marla and Uncle Tom bought a NEW CAR for my birthday! I thought I was a little young but I wasn't going to argue! I love to take the car for a drive (although sometimes I need a push)...very smooth ride and excellent sound system. :-)
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sterling!


It's still hard to believe! It just seems like yesterday that we were bringing Sterling home. This year has been amazing watching Sterling grow and develop. He is such a sweet little (well not so little anymore!) boy who loves to explore and play. He says mamamamama and dadadadada quite frequently, travels down the stairs (on his belly and supervised of course!) by himself, has 8 teeth and is ALMOST walking. Everyday he makes us smile and laugh bigger and harder.

His birthday party was SO much fun! We had a ton of friends and family over for a big BBQ. The day started off a little shaky when JohnBoy decided to corner a skunk under the deck. The skunk sprayed him not once but more like 10 times. Thankfully Nana swooped in and took JohnBoy to Petsmart (where I think he spent a good 3 hours in de-skunking solution), Eric called pest control and I poured 2-3 gallons of vinegar on the deck and grass all of which seemed to help...a little. Guests arrived 3 hours later, Eric threw the burgers on the grill and little Sterling's birthday party was underway...with just an ever so slight aroma. :-) He had a blast opening all his presents and gave his cake a good SMASH!


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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sterling is SO big!!!

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Spring has arrived!!!


Flowers are blooming and the temperature is finally above 50 degrees! We've been busy planting our tiny garden (Erica's little project this summer), taking Sterling to the park and going on hikes (Garden of the Gods & Chetenne Mtn. Park). Sterling loves the swing!
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Curious George

Now that I am an independent and mobile little boy I am interested in EVERYTHING!

Easter 2009

We LOVED our Easter baskets! Who knew empty plastic Easter eggs could be so entertaining? Nice work on the outfit dad (dad picked out and purchased outfit solo)!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It was bound to happen...

We are now officially members of the "My PC crashed!" club. Thus, we haven't been able to post any recent Sterling/ Scott family photos. We are in the process of replacing the motherboard so in the interim I will just give you a quick update.

Sterling is now 10 1/2 months old, just a ton of fun and into everything (his toy box, the refrigerator, the bathroom trash, etc)! It's funny, I've noticed this direct relationship between Sterling gaining freedom and mom and dad loosing some. We now have to walk through baby gates, use a key to open kitchen cabinets, remove plastic covers to plug in the laptop/ vaccum, etc. He's crawling at feverish pace and is now cruising along the furniture like a pro. He's working on his 5th tooth and is wearing 18 month clothes. I swear he must be drinking protein shakes in his crib at night because he's still not a big eater (although we LOVE finger food/ feeding ourself)! We haven't measured/ weighed him lately but I would guess he's around 26ish pounds. He loves to talk (or babble) and feed JohnBoy his cheerios. Our 1st birthday is just over a month away! Where did the time go?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

9 Month Pictures

Sterling's 9 month pictures have arrived! What a fun photo session! Nana and Afi joined us and we had a lot of fun. We had the 2nd part of the session outside and it was FREEZING so we cut it a little short. I think the photographer really captured some great moments. I especially love the picture of Eric holding Sterling high in the air. I swear it's a Baby Gap ad and I'm not gloating because I'm his mama (ok maybe I am a little). :-)

Please visit http://www.collages.net, and fill in the following information:

Username: Sterling Scott and Family
Password: 17573

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sterling 9 Month Check-Up

Erica took Sterling to his 9-month checkup today. Everything went well, and Sterling continues to surf the top of the growth charts...

Height: 30 1/2 in (97th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs 3 oz (95th percentile)
Head Circ: 19 1/3 in (97th+ percentile)

I am completely biased, but I also rank him as 97th+ percentile for awwwwwwwwwww-he-is-soooooooo-cute-ness.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just having fun!

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8 Months Old!

New favorite food - Avocado (weird?)
Future hunk? We think so. :-)
I LOVE airplane...and drooling on mommy.
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Cluckin' Around

Daddy is obviously a weirdo. Sterling seems to enjoy chickens.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have teeth!

My first 2 teeth both arrived at the same time!
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The Animals Have Something to Say

Ohhhh, new toy!
I like to spin the wheel!
Mmmmm, tastes good too!
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