Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sterling!


It's still hard to believe! It just seems like yesterday that we were bringing Sterling home. This year has been amazing watching Sterling grow and develop. He is such a sweet little (well not so little anymore!) boy who loves to explore and play. He says mamamamama and dadadadada quite frequently, travels down the stairs (on his belly and supervised of course!) by himself, has 8 teeth and is ALMOST walking. Everyday he makes us smile and laugh bigger and harder.

His birthday party was SO much fun! We had a ton of friends and family over for a big BBQ. The day started off a little shaky when JohnBoy decided to corner a skunk under the deck. The skunk sprayed him not once but more like 10 times. Thankfully Nana swooped in and took JohnBoy to Petsmart (where I think he spent a good 3 hours in de-skunking solution), Eric called pest control and I poured 2-3 gallons of vinegar on the deck and grass all of which seemed to help...a little. Guests arrived 3 hours later, Eric threw the burgers on the grill and little Sterling's birthday party was underway...with just an ever so slight aroma. :-) He had a blast opening all his presents and gave his cake a good SMASH!


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