Saturday, May 9, 2009

It was bound to happen...

We are now officially members of the "My PC crashed!" club. Thus, we haven't been able to post any recent Sterling/ Scott family photos. We are in the process of replacing the motherboard so in the interim I will just give you a quick update.

Sterling is now 10 1/2 months old, just a ton of fun and into everything (his toy box, the refrigerator, the bathroom trash, etc)! It's funny, I've noticed this direct relationship between Sterling gaining freedom and mom and dad loosing some. We now have to walk through baby gates, use a key to open kitchen cabinets, remove plastic covers to plug in the laptop/ vaccum, etc. He's crawling at feverish pace and is now cruising along the furniture like a pro. He's working on his 5th tooth and is wearing 18 month clothes. I swear he must be drinking protein shakes in his crib at night because he's still not a big eater (although we LOVE finger food/ feeding ourself)! We haven't measured/ weighed him lately but I would guess he's around 26ish pounds. He loves to talk (or babble) and feed JohnBoy his cheerios. Our 1st birthday is just over a month away! Where did the time go?

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