Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday/ Housewarming/ Hat Night Party

It took us a few months but we FINALLY had our housewarming party! Our hat box was starting to collect some dust so we thought it was time to introduce Sterling to "Hat Night" and he loved it!
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Sterling @ 6 Months

Sterling had his 6-month physical/check-up recently...along with another series of vaccinations (ouch). He was a trooper, even more so than usual, and he also continues to grow at quite a pace:

Length: 28.5 inches (97%)
Weight: 20 lbs 11 oz (95%)
Head Circ: 18.5 inches (99+%)

He has a gigantor Scott-noggin' to be sure. Methinks Erica is not lamenting the C-Section anymore...ay, caramba.

He is a happy and healthy baby boy, and we couldn't be more thankful.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Susie's B-Day Bash!

We celebrated Susie's 30th (teehee) birthday at the Tavern. What a great place! Cool ambiance and jazzy tunes. We had some delicious food/ wine and even did a little dancing. Happy birthday miss Susie/ Nana! We love you!
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Sunday, December 7, 2008


My mom Shari took Sterling and I to Artful Adventures when she was in town for Thanksgiving. We had so much fun! Sterling wasn't quite sure what to think about getting his feet painted but after some coaxing and singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" he went along for the ride. Shari painted the plate and I painted the picture frame for Sterling's room. I'll definitely be going back. Thanks again Shari!
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Sterling tried his first "real" food today - in the form of home-made organic peas (mushy style) - I don't think he appreciated his initial vegetable excursion very much...judge for yourself...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanksgiving 2008! We had Thanksgiving at our house this year and had a great time! Erica's parents Kent and Shari drove up from Grand Junction. They were excited to spend some time with Sterling and he had a terrific time entertaining them with all his new tricks. Eric's parents Stuart and Susie joined us for Thanksgiving dinner and we had a blast...thanks for all the great wine Stuart! At the end of the weekend Erica's family came down from Cheyenne and Denver to meet Sterling and have lunch. Sterling loved hanging out with his great auntie Kathy and cousin Kim! What a busy and FUN weekend! On Sunday night we all went to bed at 7PM! :-)
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